Contact Us
- Phone
316-630-8500 - Address
12200 East 21st St N, Wichita, KS 67206
3:30 & 5:15 P.M. - SUNDAY
9:15 & 11:15 A.M.
Middle and high school students, we don’t want you to be a generation that follows the crowd. We want you to lead the way! At this multi-day summer event at NewSpring, students will experience powerful messages, worship, volunteering, breakout sessions, and fun—all alongside their friends! It'll be an incredible opportunity to make lifelong memories and grow in their faith.
We ask that all students who register for Leading The Way commit to attending all scheduled sessions and activities. Please do not plan to leave and return during the event. This will enhance the overall value of your participation while helping the NewSpring team maintain security.
1 P.M. | Student Check-In
1:30 P.M. | Session
2:45 P.M. | Small Groups
3:15 P.M. | Red Vs. Blue Fun
4:15 P.M. | Dinner
5 P.M. | Session
6:30 P.M. | Parent Pick-Up
8 A.M. | Breakfast
8:30 A.M. | Session
10 A.M. | Small Groups
10:45 A.M. | Breakouts
11:45 A.M. | Lunch
12:30 P.M. | Breakouts
1:45 P.M. | Session
3:15 P.M. | Small Groups
3:45 P.M. | Red Vs. Blue Fun
5 P.M. | Dinner
5:45 P.M. | Session
6:30 P.M. | Parent Pick-Up
8 A.M. | Breakfast
8:30 A.M. | Session
10 A.M. | Service Projects
11:45 A.M. | Lunch
12:30 P.M. | Breakouts
1:45 P.M. | Session
2:45 P.M. | Small Groups
3:30 P.M. | Games
4:45 P.M. | Dinner
6 P.M. | Session: Mark Hoover & NewSpring Kansas Worship
Parents Invited
It's our goal for students to have the time of their lives at this summer event! We want to spend these three days inspiring them to follow Jesus and lead the way as young believers (1 Timothy 4:12). In our main sessions, we'll be having tons of fun, worshipping together, and hearing from several speakers, including Lead Pastor Mark Hoover on Friday evening. We'll also have service projects around the community for them to participate in, small group time, breakout sessions, and, of course, fun!
Our breakouts at this event will be smaller sessions (with fewer students) that dive deep into a variety of topics, from spiritual growth to life lessons.
We'll be partnering with several local ministries in Wichita as well as offering NewSpring outreach opportunities for students to help with.
Super Early Bird Price
Through May 4
This cost includes event admission and all meals during the times listed on the schedule.
Dress Code: Our dress code for Leading The Way is rooted in the desire to encourage attendees and leaders to dress in a manner that reflects Christian modesty. All participants must dress in accordance with their biological genders as determined by anatomy at birth and not subject to change. Some of the clothing styles today are not designed with modesty in mind. Also, all activities will happen inside our air-conditioned building. Keeping this in mind, please agree to follow these specific dress code guidelines.
1. No visible undergarments. No spandex. Leggings, yoga pants, and other tight apparel may only be worn when covered by other appropriate apparel. No tight, form-fitting tops or bottoms.
2. Shorts must be modest (knuckle-length when arms are extended straight down at the side). Leading The Way or NewSpring T-shirts are preferred tops. No racerbacks, spaghetti straps, camis, V-necks, or low-cut necklines. Tank tops with straps that are the width of three of your fingers and easily cover all undergarments are acceptable.
3. No clothing advertising/promoting alcohol, tobacco, suggestive sayings, secular music personalities, hatred of any group or person, etc.
You will be required to go home and change if you violate any of the above rules. If a student is unable to go home and change, we will have extra pants and shirts available.