Contact Us
- Phone
316-630-8500 - Address
12200 East 21st St N, Wichita, KS 67206
3:30 & 5:15 P.M. - SUNDAY
9:15 & 11:15 A.M.
College can be an isolating experience. Even though you’re surrounded by more people than ever before, it can still leave you feeling alone, unseen, and looking for a sense of belonging and direction. That’s why we created Collide.
Collide is a ministry for college-aged young adults, ages 18–24. If you’re in this age range (whether you attend college classes or not), Collide is a place where you can gather for worship, meet other young adults from all over Wichita, and find community. Gatherings take place weekly on Saturday at 5:15 p.m. in North Auditorium.
Spring Semester Kickoff
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
Off-Campus Event (Details TBD)
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
Weekly Gathering
No Collide (Easter Weekend)
Spring Semester Finale
We’re so excited to meet you and have you be part of this ministry! Have questions?